Getting Started with USBDMLT

Getting USBDMLT Up and Running on Your System:

You'll find the SourceForge project files on which USBDMLT is based at:

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Click on the latest version folder (e.g. Version 4.12.1), then open the Drivers folder and download the USBDM_Drivers msi file for the OS you are using (32-bit or 64-bit) and run it to install the drivers on your system. Then go back up one directory level, click on the Software folder, download the actual app for your OS (e.g. USBDM_4_12_1_240_Win.msi) and install it on your system.
  2. Plug USBDMLT into an available USB port, and use the Windows Start feature to select the utility you want to run. Usually, it would be the 9S08 programmer or the HCS12 programmer. Note that you can't use USBDMLT to work with CF v2, 3, or 4, DSC, RS08, or ARM.

The standalone programming utilities are great for use in a production environment, where you don't have or need a CodeWarrior installation. For example, HCS12_FlashProgrammer can be used to erase/flash/verify a .sx file in a target board, all in one automated sequence-- just click "Yes" to program another.

This document provides more instructions for use: