This low-cost BDM pod is based on the open-source USBDM project by Peter O'Donnoghue, and supports S08, S12, S12X, S12Z, and ColdFire V1 core targets, via a standard 6-pin BDM cable. It is fully compatible with CodeWarrior and NoICE, once you have installed the relevant DLLs. Power is derived from the host USB port, which can also power the target board at a jumper-selectable 3V or 5V, if desired. Even if you aren't using CodeWarrior, this is a very useful pod. The host software includes standalone programmers. A Linux version of the software is also included in the USBDM project.
- works with all S08, S12(X), S12Z, and CF V1 target boards
- no power supply required-- draws power from USB port
- power for target board can come from USB or your own supply
- selectable power for target: 3.3V, 5V, or none
- USB interface to Windows PC
- standard 6-pin BDM cable plugs into target BDM connector
- compatible with all Adapt9S12, neCore12, NanoCore12, EsduinoXtreme, and S12ZVC products
- compatible with CodeWarrior development suite and NoICE12 debugger
Getting USBDMLT Up and Running on Your System:
You'll find the SourceForge project files on which USBDMLT is based at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/usbdm/files/
Here are the steps to follow (Note: If you plan to use CodeWarrior, we recommend that you install CodeWarrior first, before installing the USBDM application.):
- Click on the latest version folder (e.g. Version 4.12.1). Click on the Drivers folder and download the USBDM_Drivers msi file for the OS you are using, either 32-bit or 64-bit, as needed (e.g. USBDM_Drivers_4_12_3_Win_x64.msi). Run the installer to install the drivers on your system. Then go back up one directory level, click on the Software folder, download the actual application for your OS (e.g. USBDM_4_12_1_295_Win.msi) and install it on your system.
- Plug USBDMLT into an available USB port. The first time you do so, you'll need to wait while Windows installs the necessary driver for that port. Then use the Windows Start feature to select the utility you want to run. Usually, it would be the 9S08 programmer, the HCS12 programmer, or possibly the firmware updater. Note that you can't use USBDMLT with CF v2, 3, or 4, DSC, RS08, or ARM.
- If you have an earlier version of USBDMLT and want to update its firmware, run the FirmwareUpdater and check the AutoUpdate box. Then click Program and follow the prompts. Follow the instructions to complete the update.
- If you are using CodeWarrior, the USBDM pod should show up in the list of connection types for the debugger. If not, select TBDML.
The standalone programming utilities are great for use in a production environment, where you don't have or need a CodeWarrior installation. For example, HCS12_FlashProgrammer can be used to erase/flash/verify a .sx file in a target board, all in one automated sequence-- just click "Yes" to program another. USBDMLT is the best value in 9S12 programmers around.
This document provides more instructions for use:
and here is a recent YouTube video showing how to get started with USBDM and CodeWarrior